Privacy Policy


Bri’s Dance Place is committed to the safety and privacy of its teachers, students, and volunteers. Our policies and your cooperation help keep Bri’s Dance Place a safe, fun environment.

Use of client information

Bri’s Dance Place does not share personal or payment information collected during the registration process, classes, or performances without consent from an adult or guardian of a minor. Bri’s Dance Place uses information provided by the student, guardian of the student, or the instructor for internal operations, class management, communication regarding students or instructors, and performance planning.

Use of images and video

Bri’s Dance Place will occasionally capture photo and video footage during classes, performances, and events. This footage will be used strictly for promotional purposes by Bri’s Dance Place or by photographers and videographers contracted by Bri’s Dance Place to create promotional materials. Students or their guardians have the opportunity to give or deny consent for use of images at the time of registration.

Please see our Social Media Policy (below) regarding social media use of video footage or photos captured by any party not representing Bri’s Dance Place.

Social Media Policy 

Please remember that your anonymity on Social Media is never guaranteed and to exercise particular caution when posts, images, or videos identify children in your care.

Remain mindful that your behavior on Social Media remains in keeping with Bri’s Dance Place (BDPs) code of conduct.

Any comments or posts perceived to be obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful towards BDPs staff, students or families may subject the owner to disciplinary or legal action. 

Should you wish to engage on Social Media while identifying as a studio dancer parent volunteer or employee, you may only do so with integrity, respect, and adhere to privacy and confidentiality policy. Any content revealing or referring to sensitive studio information is not allowed to be shared online. 

Intellectual property laws (for example, costume design and choreography), must be observed by all studio patrons when posting online. This includes but not limited to manuals, forms, handbooks, and syllabus, etc.

While affiliated with our studio, (for example, images of your child in BDPs uniform) we will not tolerate any posts that are racially, sexually, physically or religiously offensive. 

All matters pertaining directly to the studio – whether it be fees, scheduling, placements or performance opportunities – may not be communicated via Social Media. We have an open door policy and encourage all communication, complaints and feedback to be communicated to the Parent Liaison directly.

We discourage parents / students and teachers from becoming ‘friends’ or ‘followers’ on Social Media, unless there is an existing relationship. We consider all studio members to be family and as such feel the obligation to respect and monitor personal boundaries. 

Families found to be engaging in ‘hidden’ or ‘private’ groups formed for the specific purpose of discussing studio matters will be encouraged to join our PTO or Dad Squad for public discussion and warned against discussing Studio matters in their private online groups.

Photos or Videos taken from performances or rehearsals may NOT be posted online without permission. 

You may not post photographs / videos that feature BDPs dancers other than your own online without the proven consent of their parent/guardian. 

Identifying information of any featured minors – including names, ages or location – must be removed when posting on Social Media

Class observance and visitors

We host Parent Observation Week followed by Parent/Teacher Conferences every 6 weeks. Visitors who are not listed as family or approved friends of the family in our student records will not be allowed to observe without prior notice. All other observance is by instructor invitation or special invitation by Bri’s Dance Place for special events.

Please view our studio policies for additional information regarding classes, registration, and special events.